Monday, May 13, 2013

Day +75 Wait, just a little bit longer, but it was worth it!

When last we talked the 60 day marrow biopsy had been postponed because of blood thinner issues.  The doctors appointment right after the postponed date (4/29}was uneventful and it was decided to wait 2 weeks for me to return to the Dr. as the results weren't expected to be available until last Wed anyway and my blood numbers were excellent. 

The biopsy that had been rescheduled 5/1 was completed successfully and almost painlessly except for one jolt that seemed to touch every nerve in my body. It was a bit frustrating waiting for thr biopsy results that were the measure of how successful the transplant was.

So today was the day of reckoning, no more waiting.  And the results were great.  No myeloma cells in the marrow were detected.  This means that they aren't creating the rogue blood cells that attack the kidneys, bones and the immune system.  So GREAT!!!

However the Dr. did remind me that this does not represent a cure and the development of the myeloma cells is related to chromosome issues that are not affected by the transplant. So what we are looking at is remission, not a cure. (Having said that the doctors have pointed out that some patients, about 10%, given the same treatment I had had have gone 5+ years without a recurrence.  In some circles that could be considered a cure.)

Anyhow, the plan is to continue with a low dose of chemo to limit the possibility of a relapse.  I'll take it.

I'm not totally out of the woods yet however as my immune system continues to be compromised, less so every day, and I should be careful until day 100. So there are still cautions.  In addition I will need to repeat all the childhood shots vaccinations etc. as all that immunity got wiped out in the transplant process.

BUT ALL IN ALL a great success! Thank you for all your support, it means a lot to me. And thanks to all those medical researchers that developed this procedure, as well as the hospital staff that has to put up with me.  And thanks Eileen for being there through this all.