Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Not as optimistic as last time.

Visited with the transplant folks at Rush to plot the way forward. Although the now primary Dr. was part of the team last time I had never worked with him before.

Maybe its just his view of things, or perhaps things are significantly different but the tone was a lot less optimistic than last time around.

First let's look at timing. They would like me to do 4 Chemo Cycles, have completed 2, so the transplant would be late Feb or early March.

Before that we will have to go through all the prequalification tests again (Lung function, heart etc.) before the procedure will be aproved. The Dr. was quick to point out that I am 3 years older and weaker than last time so getting past these tests may not be so easy. 

The next downer was the question of more stem cells. If you recall we came up short on collecting enough for 2 transplants last time around. The Dr. seemed to dwell of the fact that it is very hard to get more the second time around. Wish they had told me that before.

Next fact was that the Chemo drug that they use forcthe 2nd transplant  is much harsher that last, so be prepared for a rougher experience.

The good news is that I didn't use Medicare for the first one as they allow only one so they'll pay for this one.

So some interesting issues to address before the transplant is a sure thing.

Saturday, December 19, 2015

It's different

I have to say the whole Chemo experience this time around is quite a bit different than 3 years ago. 
On this go round I get 4 drugs on Monday and 3 on Tuesday. There aren't much in the way of side effects on those days. But come Wednesday, around noon it hits me. Dizziness, shortness of breath if I try to do anything and inability to fall asleep. It's especially bad this week as both Eileen and I have bad colds/flu. 

Another issue is the hunger that results from the steroids. Last go round gained 30 lbs, not that bad yet but I can feel it coming.

I'm going to see the transplant team on Tuesday at Rush to plan the way forward, let's see where that goes.

Friday, September 4, 2015

Part II

Well it looks like we will be reactivating the blog. The latest biopsy shows a recurrence of the myaloma, which I guess I have been expecting. We will be starting a chemotherapy regimen soon with another stem cell transplant next year. I got the lowdown on all the side effects yesterday. But before it all starts, it's time to take a couple of trips! 

I'm going to go chase some diesels next week, more details to follow