Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Another kink in the road.

First knew about this 2 weeks ago but held back saying anything until I talked to the Oncologist and wondered about the next steps. Seems the protein count in my last biopsy went up rather than down. It's now 30% rather than the 15 it was a month ago. It seems that those two cycles of "treatment " (read chemotherapy) didn't do much of a job. They want the value to be 10% or less. Also they are concerned about the heart issue. The cardiologist thinks things are OK but the transplant team isn't so sure. It's odd as the transplant folks thought other than the water weight things were OK but my cardiologist didn't go along with that. Now that the cardiologist thinks things are OK the transplant team is worried, odd! Anyhow the transplant folks want to wait a couple of weeks to see how the heart does ( the rate is reasonable and fairly steady right now) and figure out a new treatment (read Cchemo) program to get the protein # down. So currently I'm on hold and the transplant is off the table for the time beeing. That does mean I'll get to go to my friend Vin's 90th birthday party next month and probably get to do Thomas again!🚂😃 


  1. suspect yoyo-ing on the emotions Al. Will keep positive thoughts on the next round of chemo. Thomas will appreciate having his favorite conductor along.

  2. I hope everything evens out so this can go ahead. In the meantime, enjoy Vin and Thomas!

  3. mixed blessings, yes? Still, it will be good to get the transplant behind you. It will happen when you are in the best shape for it to be most effective.

  4. sorry, that was me (Patti T). not sure about the profile thing!
