Tuesday, February 26, 2013

And here we go

So here we are at 5 AM getting ready to go to the hospital. Yes you guessed it we are moving ahead with the transplant in spite of the less than desired stem cell collection. Indeed Friday produced only 0.4 million cells. So yesterday the doctor gave me the choice of moving forward recognizing that we didn't have a sufficient number of stem cells for a second transplant if necessary. Or postponing this for a couple of weeks while we attempted to collect more cells.

I guess I was  thinking that we were here at this point and I had pretty much prepared myself mentally. so let's move forward and get this thing over with. A postponement would probably require another chemo cycle to get all the chemicals in proper balance for the transport.

Actually slept pretty well last night. It was Saturday and Sunday nights that were fairly sleepless. I guess once I had made up my mind and committed to moving forward the uncertainty went away. One of the things that does make me wonder is how they continue to tell you that you don't need to go through with this and you can say NO right up until the point when they start injecting you with the chemo drugs. somehow that comment does make me wonder.

Last night was spent packing things and clearing out bills etc. so that it didn't leave Eileen with too much of a burden

So why exactly do they need us at the hospital at 630 in the morning. Somehow I think after checking in there will be a lot of sitting around doing nothing. But I guess after so many years of travel I should be used to that sort of thing.

So depending on how I feel after the administration of the chemo drugs I'll let you know this afternoon or tomorrow how things are progressing.

One disappointment is that my room will not be in the new highly visible portion of the hospital but in an older building. I promised. however thatt I will have a great view of traffic on the Eisenhower Expressway.


  1. Sending positive thoughts your way Al! Stay strong! Your old campfire pal, Kathy

  2. Rooting for you Al!

    Dave Staplin

  3. Al don't you hate it when they say you don't have to complete treatment. I kept getting letters from the insurance saying I had the right to refuse treatment..... But the important thing is I did my my treatment and am doing quite well and you can do the same. Randy thinks you look like Demboski in your picture. Anyway we're wishing you the best.

    m. jackson

  4. Glad things went well for you Mary, Tell Randy I'll have to think about how to take the Dembo look alike comment!

  5. Do or do not there is no try! (directed towards the Drs)

    I have great faith this will be the fix to your situation. Get rest and we will stay tuned for more details.
