Thursday, February 21, 2013

Harvesting more cells or is the well is going dry?

Another day of taking my blood for a spin.  They really had the machine humming which you can tell by the amount of tingling you feel (caused by a chemical they use to keep the blood flowing).  The tingling is controlled with tums believe it or not.

But in spite of the machine humming the stem cell harvest was way less than we had hoped for, only 0.4 million, so we need to have a good day tomorrow to hit the 4.0 million target.

If we don't hit it I'm not sure what plan B is. If there's anything that really bothers me with this whole process is the uncertainty.  Of course they tell you that each person is different so there is no fixed roadmap, but I sure wish there was.

Besides the uncertainty of tomrrows process we're looking at 3-6 tonight so the drive down will be just great.

Stay tuned tomorrow to see if we hit the target or if we need to develop a plan B.  Its all so much fun.

1 comment:

  1. Man if I had a dollar for each of your collected stem cells......LOL. hang in there. A least it's not surgery. Can you sleep or is Franienstein loud? Love the posts! Just think this time next year you will laugh at these!

    The Niece.
