Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Day +42 and an oversite

Here we are at day 42 already. There have been some ups and downs but mostly ups.  On the down side the trip to the Dr. last Thursday reviled a high level of calcium and some evidence of dehydration, so I ended up spending 3 hours getting a liter of fluid, with instructions to cut back on calcium intake (milk and tums) and the need to comeback on Monday rather than the longer one week interval, so a bit of a disappointment. Eileen's daughter Katie took me and was interested to see folks at Rush where she did her nursing degree.

On Friday it was off to my cardiologist to check on the old heart.  He was happy with the way things sounded but was anxious to get me back on Coumadin due to the Afib.  He wanted to wait to see the results of the heart tests at Rush before fiddling with any heart meds. He also kept on about how good I looked, Jess was impressed.

I did some first outside adventures over the weekend riding around in an electric cart with my watch cap on at WalMart and Menards looking a bit like a homeless person.  Those electric carts are interesting to drive BTW.

On Monday Eileen took me down to the appointment.  I felt pretty strong and was rewarded with good numbers, calcium and other issues under control and a happy Dr. Fung.  I was rewarded with a 1 week interval to the next appointment.

I felt strong enough yesterday that I did just a bit of yard work and went for a short walk which Quigley insisted on joining. We went to vote (our neighbor was elected Village President) and ate out at a local Thai restaurant, almost empty so low exposure risk for me.

Now to the oversite.  At the last posting I forgot to thank Frank Hicks and David Wilkins for stopping by.  They brought a gift to encourage me to get strong enough to get back to operating streetcars at IRM. Included was a CTA type 8 point hat and a 1948 union pin.  Thanks guys it really cheered me up.

Hopefully I'll be able to get out to Union on the 20th for the 2013 operator's safety meeting. It may be my first solo outing and long distance drive.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear that you have more UPS than downs. Talked to Maria - she manages the WATERFRONT on the river walk - across from the old Mugsys - it is a banquet hall - she told me to tell you hi and wants to hear that you are doing great. Wish for your UPS to out number your downs 99 to 1. Miss seeing you - Carmen (adopted sister) - GET BETTER SOON
