Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Day +13 changes

As it turns out it is day 13 not 11 as I thought just the other day. It's really quite surprising the extent to which you lose track of the calendar as well as losing track of what you do from day to day.
I have to say that I don't remember much about those first few days I guess I was a pretty sick puppy. 

I do recall thinking the beds were rescued from animal chutes at the stockyards. 

Most recent medical issues have surrounded a diarrhea infection that I have that really needs to be cleared up before we can move forward.
Unfortunately that infection has resulted in me being somewhat restricted to my room so as not to spread the infection to other parts of the floor as I must admit I did the other night.

Good news is that all my blood counts are responding favorably and if we can get the intestinal issue under control I'm probably getting out of here fairly shortly. I will have very low resistance and although very low so will the pretty much restricted to what I can do in and around the house but that has to be more pleasant than listening to Silver Line trains bounce over the Paulina connector junction. 

And with my restriction I'm unable to go down the hallway and observe traffic operations expressway.
The new look is arrived the hair loss aspect of the whole chemo slid in. Son Burt had the joy of buzzing me today. We buzzed the head and we buzzed the beard but left the mustache in place however. It will be interesting to see whether it will survive and live longer than the Blackhawks winning streak. I can only hope, it will be fun to see. 
I guess I should say that my spirits are picking up as you might guess from the tone of this blog entry.
I really wish there had been some way to capture in sort of cartoon version everything I saw and lived through during the transplant process. Some of the things I just don't know how to describe like selling little silver bits of costume that was somehow related to the morphine was taking, to suppress pain from the diarrhea. Also had a dream in one time that I was working on a television show that was selling surplus Navy merchandise sure why anybody would want any of that.
Anyway things are looking up. I hope you like the new look at least one person compared me to a Bob  Magnuson look like, anyway sorry Bob Hope you didn't take any offense will be all in joint fun. 


1 comment:

  1. Hi Al..Just found out about your blog. Hope things are going well. By the way you now look like Wolford Brimley.

    Ralph Groskopf
