Friday, March 15, 2013

Day +16

Well yesterday's post was early in the day so will begin with some of yesterday's activities before talking about today.

As I said I woke up to a "do not eat your breakfast" command because they wanted to do an ultrasound on my liver. Guess it just hasn't had enough exercise lately. So I sat around all morning waiting for the trip down to the ultrasound test area somewhat starving to death. Finally did get down there around noon and by the time tests were over it was back up here about 2 PM. Hungry as a horse at that point.

Never did hear anything about the liver test so I guess there really was no problem there. The heart folks continue to enjoy coming by wondering at my totally unpredictable heart rhythm. At this point they've said they're not go to worry about it until I'm out of here and we get some of these meds on my body.

Jessica did stop by on her way back from straightening out some tickets that she had for this weekend. I'll let her explain the issues to as I will probably get them screwed up.

One nice advantage here is a good strong Wi-Fi signal so I was able to tune in a couple of movies to kill the evening. Did watch MI3 which is of course a fairly good action movie also started watching the Swedish version of the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo which is a lot of work as you need to pay attention to the subtitles.

Had a fairly good night sleep although still had several emergency trips to the restroom. They do give me a fairly extensive cocktail of sleeping pills as they do want me to get as much rest as possible.

Woke up this morning able to attack breakfast as planned. One of the things that you might get a kick out of is the post breakfast cocktail of pills so here's a quick shot of the mouth full that I have to get down.

A bit disappointing is the news that if I can get this diarrhea issue under control I can get out of here. It seems that my body should be at this point handling it on its own without the need for antibiotics.

Sport for this afternoon was to try to get an IV into me. I haven't really had one for several days now and they would like to have one but several nurses tried and gave up.

Sorry I can't be with you at your party tonight Eric but you know I'm thinking about you and I hope you're having a good time.

So we'll see how tonight goes hopefully they'll be good news for tomorrow's report.

1 comment:

  1. That would take me all day to get those meds down..... How's the stash hanging on?
    Love ya Al
    Gina and da guys
