Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Day +14

Nothing too much new, or more of the same today.  Blood numbers getting strong enough that I may be able to get out of here early next week.  Just need to get this digestion thing under control.  Lack of progress there had me somewhat depressed today, but things seem to be getting better this PM.

Since the chemo my heart rhythms are all over the place. I have become a daily stop for the heart teaching team.

Last night the remote monitor said I was having an heart attack, and some nurses came rushing in only to find me in pleasant conversation with another nurse. Seems not all remote monitoring is of value. Starting to feel well enough that things are getting boring.

More tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear things are getting better Al. Thins ma be getting boring for you but at least you are providing interest and a learning aid to the medics!! Alison
